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When developing phenomenal cannabis seeds, Sensi Seeds thinks along with the consumer. The Early Skunk weed seeds prove this principle. These weed seeds grow into a robust plant that performs excellently in many different climates.
The grower who gets started with these weed seeds, will witness the flowering period after approximately 45 to 50 days. In a moderate climate the California Indica will perfectly reach its full potential and the result is a harvest of enormous proportions.
Combining old with young often poses a risk. The fact that these attempts can sometimes also turn out surprisingly well is proven by the cannabis seeds Sensi Seeds has developed by means of crossing, but especially by means of backcrossing. The First Lady weed seeds are an excellent example of this practice.
The Four-Way cannabis seeds are indica dominant and this type owes its versatility to the fact that practically the entire Himalaya has been included. Afghanistan, India and Pakistan; Four-Way is international.
Weed growers in the colder climates do not always have it easy. Especially not when they want to cultivate their cannabis outdoor. Fortunately, Sensi Seeds introduces a solution for these kind of cases; take, for example, the weed seeds of the Early Pearl.
The Early Girl cannabis seeds do not need a lot of space because even when they grow into full-blown plants, this type remains nice and compact. Sunlight, moisture and a bit of nutrition once in a while is enough to achieve an excellent result with these cannabis seeds and plants.
Durban is a variety known for the rich harvests resulting from the cannabis seeds, of course an important detail when there are a large number of cannabis fans worldwide who want to enjoy a sativa whereby the smoker can lift the definition of ‘getting high’ to an entirely new level.
With the American Dream, the people at Sensi Seeds have really done an amazing job. And growers who buy these cannabis seeds will benefit from it.
Indica fans know it: buying cannabis seeds of the Big Bud is an investment that pays for itself.
Black Domina is a cannabis type of which the cannabis seeds are the absolute best in the area of indica-dominant varieties. Afghanistan at its best; that is the way to describe these weed seeds without exaggerating.
The weed seeds of the Fruity Juice – as that was the name used to introduce this crossing on the market – found their origin in the cannabis seeds of a Thai and an Afghan plant. The Thai obviously was responsible for the sativa, and the Afghan took care of the indica.
Are you unable to choose whether you should buy sativa or indica? Why not purchase them both? Is it really that easy? Yes, it is! Sensi Seeds is getting in on the action again. Ed Rosenthal Super Bud weed seeds are brilliant and particularly exceptional in many ways.